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Those who believe …

«Those who think religion has nothing to do with 
politics understand neither religion nor politics.»
                                      Mahatma Ghandi

Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Buddhist monks, escorted on each side
by hand-holding supporters,
protesting Sunday, September 23rd 2007
in the wet streets of Yangon, Myanmar.

As he burned he never moved a muscle,
never uttered a sound,
his outward composure in sharp contrast
to the wailing people around him

And a few moments after the fire stopped. By Itself.

Before his body fell, he sat 10 minutes in the lotus-position,
moving everything and everybody by not moving one bit,
moving anything and anybody but his true self.

His action and these pictures
are a message to the world til the present day,
to take action as he did.

Action to find true freedom.
In ourselves and around ourselves,
each day and each moment.

Humanity – you and me – has a right
to live in freedom and find paradise
and to be freed from all movements
that hinder us to do so.

Passers-by stop to watch as flames envelope

I guess you must eventually become immune -
the man behind the monk is still trying
to find a light for his cigarette.

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Comment (1)

Very intense.

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