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Mac Security

«Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security»

Benjamin Franklin

To download MacHacks Security Manual click here.

Security and Privacy are inextricably linked. If you lose one you ultimately forfeit the other.
Private, anonymous communications have an important place in our political and social discourse. In the United States the Supreme Court ruled repeatedly that the right to anonymous free speech is protected by the First Amendment.
Protections for anonymous speech are vital to democratic discourse. Allowing dissenters to shield their identities frees them to express critical, minority views.
These days personal data is aggregated feverishly by both private and public sectors and yet laws pertaining to the buying, selling, storage and use of this information have yet to be properly legislated.
We must take it upon ourselves to better protect our privacy and security and raise the awareness of those around us. This manual was written with that in mind.

doz London, England December 8th 2007 www.machacks.tv

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