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Wikileaks hacked?

Update: after thinking very hard about the released files (see attached screenshots) I believe there might be a quite easy explanation for it: perhaps Wikileaks published the whole batches of mails including all spam mail that the syrian government had gotten beforehand. Just an idea…

Maybe I'm missing out on a whole lot of intel here but when I tried to get info from http://wikileaks.org/syria-files/date/2004.html today I got the following picture (see screenshots further down) which sure looks like a hack to me on first sight. Who knows more? 

Never mind the stories behind this: to support freedom is everyone's obligation. Freedom of information. Freedom of thought. Freedom of movement. However you support the thought of freedom, whatever you do, do it! And Wikileaks is a great start. Support Wikileaks.

You know, the other day I read for the first time really the universal declaration of human rights paragraph by paragraph. Wow! It's one of those revolutionary, striking masterpieces that is as great and ahead of it's time as only a few that have ever been called into existance! 

Some other relevant screenshots:

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