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This is Sparta!

«Wanderer, if you come to Sparta, report 
thither that you have seen me lying here, as 
the law commanded.»
                            (Leonidas, King of Sparta)

The following scene is out of the movie «300», the last fight of the Spartans. To take it as a role model literally would be a foolish thing I believe. The messenger can never be the principal target. To punish a messenger for merely transmitting a message is naive. To bring your queen in even greater danger by your behavior is not very wise. The film is soaked by a strong SDi (definition in german/definition in english) red energy. To follow a dogmatic law, ‹wanderer, if you come to Sparta, report thither that you have seen me lying here, as the law commanded›, an inflexible law without reflexion into fatality instead of finding creative solutions is pathetic and plain stupid. And the showing of this film does not in any way mean, I endorse hate against persians, in contrary: our culture owes a whole lot to the persian culture (and vice versa)!

But there is another way to read the following takes. A metaphorical one. Leonidas thinks and sees very clearly. The messenger is not merely a messenger, he threatens Leonidas in front of his queen with his own words. He tries to violate Sparta before the battle has begun. Politricks… He tries to violate Leonidas psychologically threatening to rape him and his people if they don't submit. He seems nice at first, but his fake acting becomes obvious very quickly. Leonidas does not let himself be seduced by the snakes whisper. He analyzes correctly and responds authentically and truthfully. If you cannot change a situation and the situation is grim, face it! Take it! Get whatever you can out of it. Never believe politicians words. Believe their deeds. How many politicians hold on to their promises given in their election campaigns? Well, that should set the precedent for their payment later on. Not their preliminary words. Not words at all should be awarded. Only actions. Especially with politicians.

You, the people, have the power

This video is mixed by CyclopsRevolution
As video description Cyclops Revolution has added himself:

«Thanks to DerPestmann for coming up with the idea for combining this amazing monologue, with this music.It fits perfectly! I encoded it for HD so hopefully it will look a little better in fullscreen, and I trimmed off the ending to make it a little more dramatic. You can see DerPestmann's version here – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLci5DoZqHU Stop by his page and let him know if you liked this vid.»

This video is mixed by ZacharyGretzinger
As video description Zachary Gretzinger has added himself:

«The audio in this video is a mixture between the final speech in ‹The Great Dictator spoken by Charlie Chaplin and the theme from [the movie] Inception. I got the idea for this video from a post made by a /b/rother on May 26, 2011. Having said that, OP is a fag. I own neither of both audio samples or the Guy Fawkes photo. The revolution does not belong to the committees and In a society where all adventure has been abolished, the only adventure left is to abolish that society are quotes from a French revolution in 1968 with unknown authors. The remaining text is my own.»

We invented Paris

Meet my hometown, Basel, to the music of "We invented Paris":

«We invented Paris» live in Amsterdam:

Enjoy life while it lasts…

Hieroglyphic Stairway

It's 20:50 in the evening. My son has finally fallen asleep and is dreaming… Drowsy I stumble upon mails and messages… and Drew. And while his eyes enter mine his words reach deep into my heart. And my consciousness.

Drew Dellinger about a new democracy,  a planetary democracy:

Drew Dellinger about human responsibility, koans and mantras and «what can I do?»

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Questions worth asking As the title says. Questions worth asking…

The end of Muammar Gaddafi

Attention, very graphic material (Nothing for kids!),
videoclip via @FromJoanne (uploaded 23. October 2011 GMT afternoon):

This was the first video that was published of Gaddafi's capture before the one above:

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There is hope…

Mount your best headphones. It's worth it. Cause…
There is hope in this life! Go beyond the cover.
(music: There is Hope by Zoo Brasil feat. Rasmus Kellerman more info at end of post)

If you liked the video above here is a bonus for all you seers:

Not enough yet? See him together with «his lady»:

A Powerful and Intimate Interview with Rico Zombie

«There is Hope» by Zoo Brasil feat. Rasmus Kellerman

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Blocher reloaded

Blocher is back. Vier Jahre nach seiner Abwahl am 12. September 2007 als Bundesrat ist Christoph Blocher wieder zurück auf dem nationalen, politischen Parkett. Im Kanton Zürich kandidiert er sowohl für National- als auch Ständerat.

Was uns zu der wichtigen Frage bringt: Wieso wurde Blocher schon wieder so erfolgreich und überwältigend abgewählt? Ist das schon wieder vergessen gegangen? Wissen wir es überhaupt so genau? Lag es vielleicht an seinem selbstlosen Einsatz, seiner unermüdlichen Arbeit und seiner charismatischen Präsenz als Nationalrat wie in einem früheren Beitrag dargestellt? 

Oder liegt es vielleicht daran, dass er sehr viel Arbeit hat und sich eher um andere Geschäfte kümmern muss(te) wie zum Beispiel Zünder Lieferungen für Panzerabwehrwaffen durch die Ems-Patvag AG nach Brasilien oder von Airbag-Zündern – die sich laut Hersteller Webpage auch für Minen eignen – nach Singapur? 

Um Bilder vergrössert anzuzeigen bitte anklicken.

Oder dass nachtragende Leute sich an damals erinnern, als er gute Kontakte zum Apartheid Regime pflegte, dass Blocher mit seinem Asa-Bulletin tatkräftig unterstütze? Oder in der Geschichte der Ems Chemie auch die Anstellung von Ex-Nazis historisch verbürgt ist. Aber das kann fast nicht sein, denn das darf ja keiner öffentlich schreiben. Und nicht drauf hinweisen. Zumindest nicht in den grossen Medien… Und das ist ja auch alter Käse. Heute gibt es keinen Zusammenhang mehr zwischen rechtsaussen Politik beziehungsweise Ansichten und der SVP und Blocher, naaaain… 

«Der Lokomotivführer des Zuges nach Auschwitz tat auch nur seine Pflicht. Die Firma von Herrn Blocher fabriziert Zünder für Airbags und exportiert sie nach Singapur. Singapur stellt keine Airbags her. Es sind dieselben Zünder wie für Minen.»
                                                                        – Michel Diot

Oder sein mangelhafter Umgang bei bedeutenden Interessenkonflikten? Zum Beispiel, wenn es um Waffenexport-Entscheidungen geht wie Explosivzünder Lieferungen der Patvag oder Sprengstoff-Komponenten der Schweizerischen Sprengstofffabrik AG, eines Spin-off Unternehmens der Ems Chemie?

Oder lag es eher daran, dass er sich nicht in eine Konkordanz fügen konnte? Dass er regelmässig aus dem Bundesratskollegium ausscherte? Oder dass er als Bundesrat sehr, sehr mässig wahr?

Wir erinnern uns: Kurz vor der verdienten Ruhepause wurde Blocher mit Schimpf und Schande abgewählt. Die Hintergründe hat das Schweizer Fernsehen in einem sehr guten DOK-Film festgehalten: 

Äh, sorry, falscher Film, das hier ist natürlich der richtige. Echt, nicht nur «fast ein Krimi»,
sondern mindestens genauso spannend wie ein Krimi:

Wer nicht den ganzen Film sehen will: Hier der Ausschnitt, was Ex-Bundesrat Blocher
nach der Abwahl zu sagen hatte:

Ob es so schlimm ist, wie es Viktor sieht wage ich aber zu bezweifeln.
Aber wer weiss… Persönlich finde ich schon, Blocher hat zu oft zu krasse
Führer Allüren. Und die Wortwahl habe ich hier sehr bewusst, sehr genau
gewählt. Demgegenüber ist Viktor dann also doch viel lustiger:


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Rap News 9 – All upside down

Robert Foster, the real prophet of the new world order, hehehe… But sometimes his prophetic gifts scare me a little. Sadly, Apples CEO Steve Jobs really died yesterday. The videoclip was launched on Youtube the 28 September 2011. Well, this one was not too hard to guess I guess but still. Rest in peace, Steve.

Rap News 9: Steve Jobs. Fading…
to enlarge click on image

But I also love his rich details and metaphors. It starts with an extract of Greenspan's find of a (13th?) floor that «functions as a critical structure that defines how the world works». just to continue with the calculator's BOOBZ (= 28008 upside down, even though 58008 = BOOBS would maybe have been clearer to the audience?) on the calculator indicating for me the preference of human basic, nourishing needs over tools purely made to make exchange of goods and services more convenient (do you find the other numbers on the calculator and their meanings?) or the little messages on the cups of the actors «democracy now» hinting to Amy Goodman or «Don't steal – the government needs competition». Mmh. Shouldn't it be «Steal! The government needs competition»?  ;)

Terrence Moonseed with an «empty intellectual space», hehehe…
The hint to HAL 9000 with the red eye who tried upon its cold ‹analysis› (versus the warm ‹diagnosis› of Ron Paul ;) to destroy homo sapiens in its little world in Space Odyssey 2001 ten years ago (and failed…). Also – if I understand right – the knowledge or intellectual capacity represented in the interviewee's films by usually books. Like for example Ron Paul's little bookshelf with the mayan calendar (?) hinting at the ‹end of the world in 2012›, the year of the next American presidential election in the US or the huge, empty bookshelves behind Terence Moonseed and his completely outdated equipment (like his personal PET 2001 in the background) or the modern dvd in case of Peter Joseph… 

Edward Munch: «The Scream»
The american people have had enough it seems. Operation «occupy Wallstreet» going down right now is one loud scream of a people that had enough of all the scams. Of all the political rhetoric without no backing up action. Of all the promises never held…

In economics, the  ‹invisible hand›, also known as invisible hand of the market, is the term economists use to describe the self-regulating nature of the marketplace. This is a metaphor first coined by the economist Adam Smith in The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Here it is combined with the slang expression «talk to the hand» meaning ‹shut up, nobody's listening›. Impressive also how Foster ends the news each time with an really wise remark…

Well, 'nuf said. Let's watch it. Rap News 9 with your host Robert Foster: 

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The most terrifying video you'll ever see! Simple. Brilliant. Extraordinary analysis. If you haven't seen Greg Cravens genius presentations, funny and deep at the same time, you have to see it! Now…

I love Bernie Dexter Neo bourlesque at its best…

Sparkasse spielt Bank

Folgender Ausschnitt wurde anscheinend von einer Dokumentation im ZDF
zensuriert. Hier ist er trotzdem. Mmh. Die Sparkassen in Deutschland spielen
Bank. Und jeder weiss vom Roulette: die Bank gewinnt immer ;)

Falls dieser Video von Youtube zensuriert wird, gebt mir Bescheid. Jemand hat
vorsorglich ein Backup auf TPB und im Internet "verbreitet" ;)

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I love Bernie Dexter

Now you know. It's out. ;)

Check this out: this woman knows how to move, boyeeee:

Bernie-Babe, you're hot as a rocket *licking my fingers*!

Her secret? Here it is: she is not dancing with her head but with her body,
not with her mind but with her heart, not thinking of what people will say
about her in the future but expresses herself in the moment just for herself:

And here the interview with her. Mmmh, Betty, I wanna interview you, too :)
Although – I don't like her laugh in this interview very much. But still…

Update, 29. October 2013

Here is a comparison to the legendary Betty Page. Also to me (compare comments) it seems that Bernie Dexter was clearly very influenced by Betty Page. However, fact is: Betty is dead. And while I love original Betty on film as much as Bernie on film, the idea that Bernie is alive and the way the videos are made as well as the chosen music make Bernie still very sexy to me, even if she's inspired by Betty Page.

Compare this to other known burlesque dancer Dita Von Teese, which is also absolutely gorgeous in the following video. To all women out there, remember, I'm a man. A heterosexual man. Therefore naturally I love feminine sexyness wherever it appears. Culture or contemporary fashion are only minor players in the whole but as a man, there is something hardwired in my genetics and brain that gives me good incentives to love sexyness in women. Wherever it appears. Even if it is a rip-off of some sort.

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Madonna: American Dream

Here the latest Videoclip of Madonna. Uncensored. American Dream:

…and the interview accompanying the clip:

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Ventura bitch Slaps Dick Cheney

«Ventuuura, off the top rope… elbow for this guy!»

Gotta love Cenk. Really.
I say Cenk is so right. You can tell he tells the truth because it comes – blurring out of Youtube. It's so unique, so rare that you see it on TV, in the papers, hell even on Youtube that you're like ‹Wow, that was… that was nice! That was like a nice cool shower, Cenk, as supposed to what you see on the other places›! Keep on rocking man, I love you and The Young Turcs!

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